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I wanted to sleep now but I'm feeling so hot! Bad weather...
Feeling rather down...
So not looking forward to Monday, not only because it's school yet again but also because it's Science! Gonna crack my brain yet again. Damn, I somehow feel I'm kinda stupid.
So thankful for friends man. (:
Oh yea, my classmates are fun people I must say. Never judges by it's cover indeed. (: & a facilitator told us that our class is like so different from the rest. Haha! He said that we have like more 'bonding'. Lol. I'm still getting use to making friends. Hmm, kinda difficult for me. If you do know me well, you'll know that I'm like so anti-social. But, in RP, if I'm really like 'that', I think I'll be so dead. Thus, I'm trying now. (:
Ok, I'm thinking of what else to type now. Haha! Hopefully I won't be like yesterday. I actually fall asleep typing halfway. & then I anyhow switch off my lappy only at 5am & went back to sleep. LOL!
Ok, seems like there's really nothing much to update. Guess I'm gonna sleep or continue watching my shows! (:
Oh yea, I suddenly remembered. It's like I'm almost late everyday! If I didn't catch a cab to school/Northpoint, I'll be late. Ok, what I mean was I need to leave home like an hour or earlier in order to be on time! Shit man, it suck! School stays at 8.30 & I need to get up at 6.30! Whatthehell! & I'm like staying at Yishun only, which is like so near to Woodlands! D: It really makes me wonder what is that so!?
I hope Charis won't get an earful of nagging man.
Anyway, chalet was awesome, totally! Best chalet even man! :D Games is so fun, really. Though it make the chalet look as though it's somehow like a camp. Lol! But, I'm sure the rest enjoyed too. More days like this man! (:
Anyway, I went for orientation on the first day before rushing over to Houwen's chalet. I'll update on the details when I get the photos! :D
Orientation was fun I will say. Haha. But there's really alot of people. Goodness. But, I meet nice & fun people. (: I'm so looking forward to school! :D
Alright, yang's back. Gonna continue chatting. HAHA!
& I'm kinda surprise my laptop survived this long. Haha! Like an hour plus already. LOL!
Update on details real soon! (: Till then!
A 'sporty' week! 11th of April, downstairs for badminton & volleyball with siblings & partners. & just so great the lift broke down & yes, more exercise, climbing the stairs!
Badminton, volleyball, basketball, captains ball. LOL! I like! :D Tomorrow(13th), badminton with some friends at cc. (: Then, chalet till friday &then sentosa on saturday with Yeemay, probably. (:Then, sunday to rest to be prepared for school. ((: So looking forward! Haha!
Alright, gonna continue with 'on the 12th'. Lol!
Timefor shower after the tanning & volleyball. (: Bad encounter. Gosh! Was it just me or what? Same 2 China women posing around on the beach with sexual movement, showing like half their butt. & they actually was there with an old man in his 60s!! & followed by, going around naked in the open shower when there's like cubicle. Worst still, looking themselves in the mirror bare without clothes, flashing around. & then afterwhich, started cleaning themselves with toilet paper cause they didn't have any towel. Ok, I know, it's like we're all girls so people will go, "what's the big deal!?". But, seriously, it is. It's like so disgusting! For me, yeemay, xinhui, we can't accept such things. Gosh! Maybe some can? Yes?
We went for dinner & chat all the way till like 10.30 before heading for home. (:
When we reached yishun, we decided to walk home since it's like kinda early. So, Yeemay decided to take the long route with me while xiuhui went the other way. (:
A cat actually wanted to follow us!Ohmy, it's so creepy. I have alittle phobia for cats cause when I was young, I was actually bitten by a cat. It's sucha blur image I had in mind but yet so unforgetable. Thus it's kinda scary to me. & adding on, the other time at sembawang, we were chased by a little black cat, as in really chased! We actually ran around the pillar, across the road, to & for, & the cat followed! It seems as thought it's going to attact us, really!!!
Scariest late night walks home ever! 'Bangala' following! Gosh! It's a scary experiences! Right yeemay! It gave us sucha fright! We're so lucky that we actually was quite attentive. Luckily, I looked back. Oh, cannot imagine what will happen.
Never will we walk back home at such late hours. So unsafe please, very very very very man!
It's like a few times for yeemay already! She had been followed by a few last few months at 300+! How scary?!
We should really try to be much more attentive when the nights fall & when there's little people around. & try not to be home too late & alone. So much to take note of. Ohmy! Never wish to be in that 'state' ever again. I think I'm going to have nightmares. The thought of opening my door scares me. Cause the image of "the moment I open my door, I'll see 'him' standing right before me with 'that' face."
Next week so gonna be fun! I'm awaiting! Very much looking forward to it! Gonna spend it to the fullest cause it's the last week of holidays! :D
I seems kinda excited for school! While the rest seems pretty much don't. LOL!
Oh yea people, do visit! Support please, thankyou very much! :DDD
Oh, I met up with Yeemay without letting Charmaine know. & we planned a gamn "Spot the fruits"! Lol! I love the part where I rolled the apple into the house to start the game! It shocked them to the max! HAHAHA!
Happy Birthday girl! :D
We went hiding fruits on every level & she had to get them all back. Haha! Look at her! (:
& then, cake cutting! (:
& a kiss for her. Her christmas wish came true! Yea? Haha!Happy 18th! :D Remember what we said! (:
Sister, Charmaine, Wm, Damien’s birthday celebration coming up!
Alright, first up! Sister’s 16th Birthday Celebration!
Ok, it’s been long & I guess I did forget most of the things. Lol! But I’m still gonna update as promised. (:
The day before the surprise, we did up those things we were planning to gave her till late in the night.
Charmaine, Wenshun & I spend our night till like 4am I think & we rushed everything out! (:
The very next day, I woke up pretty late & met up with the girls at zy’s condo & we had our new year celebration. Lol!
Afterwhich, cabbed to northpoint to get cake before returning home to prepare her surprise, ‘amazing race’. Haha! Oh, she was out with Wenshun to catch a movie & celebrate her birthday. But, both did not know about the AR thing at all. All Wenshun know was that we were having chocolate fondue. Haha!
So, we did up the note & wrapped up presents we gotten for her. (:
The moment she open the door.
Mintues before they reached home, we had those note put in place. (: Then, brother& Charmaine group together while my sister’s friend, Elyssa ran with me. Lol!
It was indeed fun hiding at the 10th floor oppsite, sneaking around like idiots, having them closely watched. LOL!
As the go about running around, Ely & I went back home to prepare the fondue. Damn it man, it was burnt! So, we did a new one. (:
It’s a little pity we can’t cut the cake that day cause Daddy & Mummy wasn’t home & then Daddy was the sponser for most of the things, thus, we cut the cake the other day. (:
It was pretty much a success! (: She was smiling so widely! (:
Alright, photos!
Oh the actual day, we cut the cake! (: But a little pity cause ws wasn't there cause he got to work.
Damnit, you know somehow something happen to my phone & it destroyed my pictures! We had a family photo taken but it's cut/blur out. So yea, I'm not uploading it. D:
Alright, the others. (:
Dearest Sister! Hope you enjoyed! :D Oh yea, Happy 16th! (though it's kinda late) (:
I miss my long(er) hair! Very much! I shouldn't have cut it! Please, faster grow to that length again!Plan plan! ((: HAHA! But we're like kinda broke huh? Lol! Just some chill out session will do yea? (:
Ok, time to sleep. 5 hours later, gonna get prepare for zoo! :D
Ok, I know I hasn't been blogging for like so long (as in some real interesting or happening event-maybe my blog isn't even interesting. LOL! ). I'll do so once I'm free. ((: This week is so packed. But, I LIKE! :DDD
Cake baking over at Charis with Yeemay for Siyuan's birthday on sunday. & sentosa on monday. Actually there's some sort of a yoga class to go with Yeemay on tuesday(today) but I gave it a miss cause I'm aching all over. Lol. & wednesday, to the zoo! Haha! Yea, you know, it's been long since I last set foot in there. So, I'm going there to like spend the day out to celebrate sis's bf belated birthday. (: As for thursday & friday, I'm on a secret mission with 3 bff. :D LOL! Saturday, hopefully Leona is planning what we plan to do. Haha! Gonna update on the details once's I'm free, I promise! (:
Hopefully the last week of holiday will be spend this way too! I so wanna play badminton! Gonna text people! (: Haha. Yea, I'm waiting for the coming chalet for houwen's birthday. But, damn, I have got orientation on that 3 day! How sad! But, I'm just gonna go for day 1 & head over to the chalet. Haha!
& then, afterwhich, it's time to get prepare for school! Ohmy, after so long! & I told myself, to not spend on cab fare if possible! Cause I'm really broke now. So gonna save up like my sis!
Alright, gonna continue watching gossip girls! (:
I wonder why I'm so happy now. Haha! (:
Oh yea, check this out! :D It's gonna be updated soon. (:
Sentosa, zoo, chalet... I like! Way better then lazing my day away! :D & I'm hoping for badminton, cycling, jogging session too! So gonna pester Charis! LOL!
Same damn thing.
I still remember last year Omella, Leona & I pranked Charis & gave her a big shock. HAHA! Remember Omella, Charis? Haha. Leona forgotten already luh! Haha.
& yes, another one, Yeemay! HAHAHA!
So how many people have you pranked? Or prehaps do you people still remember it's april fool today?
Ok, some may feel that it's so stupid to do such a thing. Haha. I know. But why not take it like it's a break & relax & have some fun? ((:
Pretty lame, but I'm just so bored. LOL! (:
Freshman camp ar freshman camp...